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Student Wellbeing

What Support is available at Melbourn Village College?

At Melbourn Village College students and staff wellbeing is of paramount importance to us. We understand that the move from childhood to adulthood can be challenging. We will seek to support all students in becoming confident, capable and caring individuals as they become adult members of our community.

Mental Health Support

Our provision to support students with emotional wellbeing and mental health needs is headed by our Mental Health Champion. We have a pastoral team who work closely with students, parents and teachers to ensure that we support these needs as much as possible. 

We have school counsellors, youth workers and support for young carers. If you have concerns about your child’s wellbeing that are non-urgent and need advice, please contact you child's pastoral support officer (see details below).

If you feel that your child is unable to cope and is a risk to themselves or other people seek advice from 111 and dial 2 to get support from mental health teams. If you have an emergency dial 999 to get immediate support.

We work closely with Local Authorities and external partners to support young people, their families and carers. For further information on what support is available locally please see:  CPFT deliver many of the NHS services that are provided outside of hospital and in the community such as physical, mental health and specialist services. 

Pastoral team

We have a strong pastoral team to support students throughout their time with us. Each child has a tutor, a head of year and a pastoral support officer to support them. These pastoral support officers are:

Ms R Howard ( - Year 7

Year 8 TBC

Ms G Butcher ( - Year 9

Ms E Tidby ( - Year 10

Ms H Brewer ( - Year 11

Useful resources for parents, carers and students

Keep Your Head is a useful website for students in Cambridgeshire and Peterborough who may be concerned about their own or others' mental health.

Kooth  - online service where a student could chat with a member of the team. They also have links to articles and discussion boards.   - messaging service, confidential advice from trained health staff. The service is available Monday to Friday between: 9.30am to 4.00pm. Simply text 07480 635 443 to start a conversation

Keep Your Head Mental Health Service ( -  brings together reliable information on mental health and wellbeing for children, young people and adults across Cambridgeshire & Peterborough

Casus is the Cambridgeshire Child and Adolescent Substance Use Service, provided by the NHS Foundation Trust. CASUS provides information, support and specialist treatment in Cambridgeshire, around drug and alcohol use, to young people under 18 and their families. The website contains information on their services, including how to refer yourself, or somebody else, and lots of information and advice around drugs, alcohol, and mental wellbeing. - Talk to Frank this is an organisation that offers friendly and confidential advice on drugs.   Tel: 0300 123 6600 or text 82111

Click here to access a Self Harm Awareness Ebook for Parents. - Beat, the UK Eating Disorders Charity. They also run a National Eating Disorders Helpline. - The Sun Network supported by Cambrfidgeshire and Peterborough Clinical Commissioning Group have produced some helpful information leaflets. 1. for those currently facing challenges around eating and 2.for parent/carers to help them care for someone with eating challenges.


We believe in equality for all our students and staff. This fits in well with our school motto of ‘Everybody is Somebody’. We have an LGBTQ+ themed school noticeboard and plan activities including Rainbow Flag LGBTQ+ training for staff, themed school Assemblies, together with discussion during tutor time and PSHE lessons. The Pastoral team are available to support, advise and offer guidance. All discussion will be treated in the utmost confidence.

The Kite Trust: local information on support for LGBTQ+ young people and their families

Mermaids: National information on support for trans-gendered students and their families 

Access to Learning Fund

The Access to Learning fund is in place to support students and parents, who are experiencing genuine and unavoidable financial difficulties and to enable student’s access to support to allow them to engage with activities, resources and opportunities that their family would struggle to finance.

Applications to the fund can be made by parents and guardians by completing the Access to Learning application form.  The fund is overseen by Mr John Barnes and each application will be treated in the strictest confidence.

This fund has been made possible by kind donations from the local community including Melbourn Parish Council, Melbourn Fete Committee, and the Trigg Charitable Trust.

Young Carers

Melbourn Village College recognises the important role young carers play within their families' lives and the additional responsibilities this places upon them.  We are committed to meeting the needs of young carers and young adult carers so that they can attend and enjoy school in the same way as other students and achieve their potential. We work alongside Centre 33 Young Carers Project  Workers who support our Young Carers at Melbourn Village College.

Young carers are children and young people under 18 who provide or intend to provide care for another person who is ill, disabled, has a mental health condition or addiction problem. A young carer becomes vulnerable when their caring role risks impacting upon their emotional or physical wellbeing and their prospects in their education and life.

Useful Contacts

Senior Leadership Team Lead for young carers: Euan Willder

Centre 33 Young Carers
Tel: 01223 307488

Carers Trust Young Carers in School
Tel: 0300 772 9600

First Aid and Illness

The College adheres to statutory guidance and recommendations made in the publication ‘Supporting students at school with medical conditions’.

We have several trained first aiders within the school, and first aid is always available for students – they should ask their teacher if they can report to Reception to speak to a first aider.

We ask that parents complete the medical form when their child starts at MVC so that our school records are up to date.  If any change to occurs during your child’s time with us, please let us know by emailing, or make an appointment to speak to the lead first aider.

Prescribed medicines

Prescribed medicines should only be taken at school when absolutely necessary.  Please contact the Lead First-aider or any member of the first aid team via reception for information and complete the form to either allow the college hold medication in school or for the student to carry their own medication. See below for more details.

Medication held in school

Parents and carers have responsibility for their child’s health and should provide the school with information about their child’s medical condition. Medicines held in school should always be provided in the original container or box as dispensed by pharmacists and include the prescriber’s instructions for administration, the child’s name, the prescribed dose and expiry date.  The school will not administer medicines that do not comply with these rules.  If necessary, a copy of the medical protocol also needs to be provided. Please complete the form in the left menu entitled 'Authority for school to hold and administer prescribed medication' and return it to Reception.

Students carrying their own medication

There are regulations regarding medicines in a school setting.  Only certain medication is allowed to be carried by students whilst in school.  By law, parents must give written consent for their child to carry medication. Students with the following conditions may carry their own medication upon written consent: 

  • allergy causing anaphylaxis
  • asthma
  • diabetes
  • migraine (depending on the type of medication - please discuss with the lead first aider)

Non-prescription medication

Non-prescription medication such as paracetamol is not held by Reception. If a student becomes unwell during the school day they will attend reception where a first aider will assess them. If the first aider considers the student would benefit from taking medication such as paracetamol, they will contact the parent/guardian for them to provide the appropriate medication or to take them home. Students must not carry their own supply of non prescribed medication.

PE and activities

Some children may need to take precautionary measures before or during exercise, such as using an inhaler.  If your child needs to have their medication to hand during PE please ensure that they have it with them and are aware that they are allowed to take it out with them.  A member of the PE staff will gladly take charge of the medication if required. Please always ensure that you child’s medication is clearly named.


If a student is unwell they should not be in school.  Please do not send your child to school if they are ill. Any student who vomits or has diarrhoea will be sent home. 

If a student feels ill or is injured they should always report to Reception, a first aider will assess the situation and take action accordingly, following the college first aid policy. Students ARE NOT PERMITTED to phone home of their own accord as any resulting absence will be unauthorised

Parents/Carers should ensure contact details are current and that they have arrangements in place for their child to be collected from school should the need arise.  A responsible adult must collect them.  Students will generally not be allowed to walk home or catch a bus alone.  If the first aider sends a student home they will complete the school signing outbook.

Sickness and diarrhoea

If a student is ill with sickness or diarrhoea they should remain off school for 48 hours after the last bout of sickness or diarrhoea.


All vaccinations are provided by the Cambridgeshire School Immunisation Team. For more information please contact them on Tel: 0300 555 5055 or visit the School Vaccination UK website: 

All school vaccination dates are shown on the school calendar as we become aware of them.

Everybody is somebody