Our approach to behaviour management has been inspired by the Cambridgeshire Therapeutic Thinking model (CTT, formerly STEPs: Cambridgeshire Therapeutic Thinking - Learn Together (cambslearntogether.co.uk)).
Our aim continues to focus on the well-being, success, and achievement of our students. Our key focus is to ensure that students and staff communicate in an effective way to strengthen relationships into that of mutual respect and understanding – ‘Everybody is Somebody.’
All staff at Melbourn Village College are committed to providing an environment where all students feel safe and secure and are able to thrive in an atmosphere of mutual respect. An integral part of that is a spirit of partnership and co-operation which helps all parties feel valued and part of a
wider community. Good behaviour and discipline are at the heart of all successful communities, based on respect for oneself and others.
The whole ethos of Melbourn Village College is underpinned by our 3 keys to success:
The language used when discussing behaviour with students is focused around these school-wide expectations to re-enforce their importance, and to prepare our students for life after Melbourn Village College.
We record and reward behaviour that is positive, kind, helpful, shows concern for the feelings/rights of others, and benefits our community and wider society. We will not use reward as a form of control; instead, we aim to encourage intrinsic motivation through regular verbal praise. We want students to feel good about exhibiting pro-social behaviours that go beyond our expectations. Some extrinsic rewards will be awarded in recognition of the specific pro-social behaviour demonstrated.
Our policy is clear that we value all pro-social behaviour in terms of kindness and respect; effort, attitude, and achievement; and contributions to the wider community. Our policy is also clear that we must challenge and educate when it comes to unsocial and anti-social behaviour.
All students are given the opportunity to rectify their behaviour in lessons by using informal and clear reminders before the formal process will begin. In addition, negative behaviour exhibited in a lesson, resulting in the student being removed, or outside of a lesson, will result in a restorative conversation being held with the appropriate member of staff. Educational or protective consequences may also be necessary; these will be communicated to the student either during the restorative conversation, or during contact/meeting with parents.
We understand that some of our students have special educational needs, mental health needs, or they may have suffered trauma; therefore, we will consider reasonable adjustments when deciding upon protective or educational consequences of unsocial or anti-social behaviour.
We define unsocial behaviour as non-compliance and anti-social behaviour as detrimental to others. Our behaviour procedure in appendix 3 of the Positive Relationship policy outlines how we record and respond to these types of behaviours. For persistent unsocial and anti-social behaviour, Heads of Year will use the Graduated Response process of the CTT, which involves gathering information, analysing the information, and formulating plans to prevent the continuation of negative behaviour. These plans are shared with staff to ensure there is consistency in our approach when supporting those individual students.
All pro-social, unsocial, and anti-social behaviours will be recorded on Go4schools for parents to see. Staff will include details of the behaviour recorded and update with any outcomes in the ‘home notes’ section.
Anti-social behaviour such as derogatory language (involving racist, homophobic, sexualised comments); discrimination or bullying (verbal and physical) will be recorded separately. Action will be taken by the senior staff responsible for behaviour and safeguarding, and parents will be informed.
If the anti-social behaviour results in a suspension or permanent exclusion, this will be at the sole discretion of the Head Teacher. Local and Government policy and protocol will be followed, and parents fully communicated with.
Please see our Positive Relationship policy, especially Appendix 1 for further details about our reward procedure, and Appendix 3 for further details about our behaviour procedure.