Throughout Year 7-9 students will study a range of individual and team sporting activities. Students will have 2 PE lessons a week, these lessons will teach students about the practical skills, rules and tactics associated with the sports that we do, as well as the importance of life skills and maintaining a healthy and active lifestyle.
Students will study the following physical activities: (the order may change slightly due to resources)
Students will be assessed across 3 strands, Personal Me, Thinking Me and Practical Me. The ‘Personal’ domain refers to emotions, behaviours and self-esteem. The ‘Thinking’ domain refers to tactics, mental capacity, decision making and evaluation. The ‘Physical’ domain refers to the physical literacy and movements of the body. Students will be assessed at least twice a year in each domain.
Students will be encouraged to practise their skills outside of lessons at home, enrichment and clubs. They will also be guided to watch sport live at venues or on TV and read around the subject of Sport.
The PE department offers lots of different sporting enrichments after school which students are encouraged to attend, students can experience Football, Hockey, Netball, Table tennis, Golf, Squash, Running club, Badminton, Rounders, Cricket, Athletics and Basketball. Some of the clubs are led by outside coaches such as Melbourn Squash club.
Parents can support their children by encouraging them to take part in sport after school and outside of school and by taking them to live sporting events. In Year 9 students will decide if they would like to take a Sports examined course at KS4, it is imperative that these students are taking part in sport inside and outside of school.
Students are required to wear the PE school uniform for all PE lessons, enrichment and fixtures. Extra protective equipment such as gum shields and shin pads may be required for some sports. During the summer term Year 9 students can apply to become a sports leader in KS4.
The aim of PE in Year 10 and 11 is for students to take part in a stress-free environment where they have the opportunity to do physical activity and not to worry about their examination subjects. Students are encouraged to try new activities and find a sport/activity that they would like to continue once they have left school.
We offer a range of traditional sports such as Football, Hockey, Netball, Rugby, Badminton, Cricket and Rounders. We also offer non-traditional sports such as Dodgeball, Bench ball, Unihoc, Softball, Walking and use of the Fitness suite. Students are given the opportunity to be competitive or to take part more recreationally, this allows everyone to participate within their comfort zone and to get as much as possible from the lessons and to look after their physical and mental health.
There are lots of sports enrichment activities available after school as well as fixtures and tournaments against other schools, and students are able to use the fitness suite after school for a small fee. The Sports Leaders programme is also run throughout KS4, students are able to apply to become a sports leader and are given numerous opportunities to go on courses, help at enrichment clubs at Melbourn VC and in the primary schools and lead sports festivals.
Our Cambridge National in Sport Studies enables students to develop and apply knowledge of sports-related activities, with a particular focus on officiating. They explore contemporary issues in sport, different ways of being involved in the sports industry, and the impact of sport on wider society.
Year |
Half term |
Topics studied; skills and knowledge |
Assessment |
How this will be assessed |
10 |
Autumn - 1 |
R185 Performance and leadership in sports activities. Topic Area 1: Key components of performance Topic Area 2: Applying practice methods to support improvement in a sporting activity |
R185 working grade for topic area 1&2 |
Centre Assessed Task, OCR Moderated |
Spring - 1 |
R185 Performance and leadership in sports activities Topic Area 3: Organising and planning a sports activity session Topic Area 4: Leading a sports activity session Topic Area 5: Reviewing your own performance in planning and leading a sports activity session |
R185 working grade for topic area 3,4&5 |
Centre Assessed Task, OCR Moderated |
Summer - 1 |
Unit R187: Increasing awareness of Outdoor and Adventurous Activities Topic Area 1: Provision for different types of outdoor and adventurous activities in the UK Topic Area 2: Equipment, clothing and safety aspects of participating in outdoor and adventurous activities |
R187 working grade for topic 1&2 |
Centre Assessed Task, OCR Moderated |
11 |
Autumn - 1 |
Unit R187: Increasing awareness of Outdoor and Adventurous Activities Topic Area 3: Plan for and be able to participate in an outdoor and adventurous activity Topic Area 4: Evaluate participation in an outdoor and adventurous activity
Unit R184: Contemporary issues in sport Topic Area 1: Issues which affect participation in sport Topic Area 2: The role of sport in promoting values |
R187 working grade for topic 3&4
Unit tests for topic 1&2 |
Centre Assessed Task, OCR Moderated
External Exam |
Spring - 1 |
Unit R184: Contemporary issues in sport Topic Area 3: The implications of hosting a major sporting event for a city or country Topic Area 4: The role National Governing Bodies (NGBs) play in the development of their sport Topic Area 5: The use of technology in sport |
Unit tests for topic 3,4&5 |
External Exam |
Summer - 1 |
Unit R184: Contemporary issues in sport Revision Period of Formal Examinations |
Mock exam for R184 |
External Exam |
Homework will be set once a week and instructions will be on Go4schools. Resources are also accessible on Microsoft Teams/CATalogue. We recommend students use a revision guide/bitesize in order to assist them with homework.
The course comprises of 3 units one is externally examined and 2 are Non examined assessments.
R184: Contemporary issues in sport. This is assessed by an exam, by completing this unit students will understand a range of topical and contemporary issues in sport, including learning about participation levels and barriers to completing sporting activities. Students will also learn how participation is impacted by the promotion of values and ethical behaviour, about the role of high-profile sporting events, the role of national governing bodies and how technology is used in within sport. Topics include: Issues which affect participation in sport, the role of sport in promoting values, the implications of hosting a major sporting event for a city or country, the role National Governing Bodies (NGBs) play in the development of their sport and the use of technology in sport.
R185: Performance and leadership in sports activities This is assessed by a set assignment. In this unit students will have an opportunity to develop their skills both as a performer in two different sporting activities, and as a leader, developing a range of transferable skills. Students will work both independently and as part of a team, including communicating with team mates as well as being in front of an audience when they perform. Students will perform under pressure, both as a participant and as a leader, and will use their initiative to solve problems and make decisions. Finally, they will deal with rapidly changing conditions and situations. Topics include: Key components of performance, applying practice methods to support improvement in a sporting activity, organising and planning a sports activity session, leading a sports activity session and reviewing own performance in planning and leading a sports activity session.
R187: Increasing awareness of Outdoor and Adventurous Activities This is assessed by a set assignment In this unit students will understand how to find out information about what opportunities there are in the local area as well as nationally in the UK for all different types of outdoor/adventurous activities. Students will learn how to enjoy the activities safely by finding out what equipment, clothing, facilities and technology they need, as well as completing planning to help keep them safe. Topics include: Provision for different types of outdoor and adventurous activities in the UK, equipment, clothing and safety aspects of participating in outdoor and adventurous activities, plan for and be able to participate in an outdoor and adventurous activity, evaluate participation in an outdoor and adventurous activity.
Students are expected to take part in competitive sports outside curriculum time. We offer an extensive extracurricular programme updated on a termly basis. After attending clubs, students may be selected to represent MVC at fixtures against other schools.
The books shown below cover all of the course materials and are excellent revision guides, they can be purchased through all good book stores.
Check your son/daughters exercise book regularly.
Encourage your son or daughter to join at least one outside of school club, in order to regularly practice their sports outside of school and increase the opportunity of accessing higher practical grades.
Wider Reading: latest news in the world of sport through Sports Podcasts, Sky Sports, BBC Sports News Articles etc.
Amazon & Netflix Documentaries eg. the All or Nothing Series, Icarus, The Last Dance etc
Keep up to date with major sporting events in the UK and around the world.