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Personal Development

Why we teach Personal Development

Personal Development at Melbourn Village College is a combination of Personal, Social and Health Education (PSHE) and Citizenship.

Personal, Social, Health and Economic (PSHE) education is a school subject through which students develop the knowledge, skills and attributes they need to manage their lives, now and in the future. It helps children and young people to stay healthy and safe, while preparing them to make the most of life and work. PSHE education also helps students to achieve their academic potential. Most of PSHE education is statutory under the Children and Social Work Act 2017. This includes Relationships and Sex Education (RSE) at key stages 3 and 4, and Health Education.

Citizenship education helps to provide students with knowledge, skills and understanding to prepare them to play a full and active part in society. In particular, citizenship fosters students ’ keen awareness and understanding of democracy, government and how laws are made and upheld. Students develop the skills and knowledge to explore political and social issues critically, to weigh evidence, debate and make reasoned arguments. It also prepares students to take their place in society as responsible citizens, manage their money well and make sound financial decisions.

KS3 Personal Development

Overview of content

Year 7 Personal Development includes aspects of Citizenship and Personal, Social and Health Education. There is a balance of the PSHE core themes Health and Wellbeing, Relationships, and Living in the Wider World.  There is also an introduction to Citizenship.

Year 8 Personal Development includes aspects of Citizenship and Personal, Social and Health Education. This includes PSHE core themes Health and Wellbeing, Relationships, and Living in the Wider World and Citizenship topics on British values and the British political system. 

Year 9 Personal Development includes aspects of Citizenship and Personal, Social and Health Education. The year begins with a study of the British electoral system and then continues with PSHE core themes Health and Wellbeing, Relationships, and Living in the Wider World.

Yr 7 Programme of Study

Half term

Topics studied; skills and knowledge

How this will be assessed

Autumn - 1

Transition to secondary school, Aspirations, Self-esteem, Wants and needs, Prejudice and discrimination, Safe social media, Ethical social media.

Teams short answer and multiple- choice questions. Extended writing literacy focus on Prejudice and discrimination. Completion of ‘Can do’ statements sheet.

Autumn - 2

Budgeting, Savings and loans, Interest rates, Financial products, Financial transactions.

Teams short answer and multiple- choice questions. Extended writing literacy focus on Financial transactions. Completion of ‘Can do’ statements sheet.

Spring - 1

Maintaining genuine friendships, Different types of families, Romance and teenage love, Bullying or banter, Preventing online bullying, Keeping safe and positive relationships.

Teams short answer and multiple- choice questions. Extended writing literacy focus on preventing bullying. Completion of ‘Can do’ statements sheet.

Spring - 2

What is Citizenship? How could you run a country, Rights and responsibilities, What makes a good citizen? How do we identify ourselves, Dental health.

Teams short answer and multiple- choice questions. Extended writing literacy focus on characteristics of a good citizen. Completion of ‘Can do’ statements sheet.

Summer - 1

Healthy living, Balanced diet, Food labels, Consequences of not living healthily, Energy drinks, Active life and exercise, Smoking.

Teams short answer and multiple- choice questions. Extended writing literacy focus on consequences of not living healthily. Completion of ‘Can do’ statements sheet.

Summer - 2

Drugs, Keeping good mental health, Emotional literacy, Puberty, Periods and the menstrual cycle, Female genital mutilation.

Teams short answer and multiple- choice questions. Extended writing literacy focus on mental health. Completion of ‘Can do’ statements sheet.

Yr 8 Programme of Study

Half term

Topics studied; skills and knowledge

How this will be assessed

Autumn - 1

Consent, Contraception, The dangers of pornography, Sexting and image share danger, Sexually transmitted infections, Male body image, Domestic conflict.

Teams short answer and multiple- choice questions. Extended writing literacy focus on Healthy sexual relationships.

Autumn - 2

British values: Tolerance, Radical groups, Extremism, How do leaders attract converts, Sharia law in the UK, Preventing radicalisation and extremism, Prejudice and discrimination: Religion, Anti-Vaxxers, organ donation and stem cell research.

Teams short answer and multiple- choice questions. Extended writing literacy focus on preventing radicalisation and extremism.

Spring - 1

Finance, income and expenditure, Tax and National Insurance, How public money is spent in the UK, Budgeting and saving, Entrepreneurs.

Teams short answer and multiple- choice questions. Extended writing literacy focus on How public money is spent in the UK.

Spring - 2

Free speech and hate speech, Civil liberties, Protecting religious freedom, How can we prevent racism? British values.

Teams short answer and multiple- choice questions. Extended writing literacy focus on British values.

Summer - 1

Vaping, nicotine and addiction, Cancer awareness, Personal safety and first aid, Teenage pregnancy, Stereotypes and prejudice: Disability, LGBT discrimination around the world, Discrimination and stereotypes: Teenagers.

Teams short answer and multiple- choice questions. Extended writing literacy focus on prejudice and discrimination.

Summer - 2

British politics, The political spectrum, Political parties, Which part would I vote for?

Teams short answer and multiple- choice questions. Extended writing literacy focus on the UK political spectrum.

Yr 9 Programme of Study

Half term

Topics studied; skills and knowledge

How this will be assessed

Autumn - 1

British politics and elections, Election campaigns, Why should I vote? Are children responsible enough to vote? Should the voting age be lowered?

Teams short answer and multiple- choice questions. Extended writing literacy focus on whether the voting age should be lowered.

Autumn - 2

Child sexual exploitation, Abusive relationships, Peer pressure, The LGBTQAI+ community, Alcohol awareness, Drugs and the law, Acid attacks, Self-harm.

Teams short answer and multiple- choice questions. Extended writing literacy focus on drugs and the law.

Spring - 1

Human rights: access to education, Interpersonal skills, Growth mindset, Coping with stress, Managing anxiety, Selfie safety.

Teams short answer and multiple- choice questions. Extended writing literacy focus on stress and anxiety.

Spring - 2

Careers and enterprise, Grief, Risk taking.

Teams short answer and multiple- choice questions. Extended writing literacy focus on grief.

Summer - 1

Finance and careers, Avoiding debt, Managing money, Consumer rights, Applying and preparing for the world of work, Animal rights, Carbon footprint, Digital footprints.

Teams short answer and multiple- choice questions. Extended writing literacy focus on animal rights.

Summer - 2

The work of UNICEF, Human rights: Trafficking, How the UK helps people in other countries, Sustainable living, How the law deals with young offenders, Knife crime.

Teams short answer and multiple- choice questions. Extended writing literacy focus on living sustainably.


There is no homework in Personal Development but students will be encouraged to keep up with current affairs through mainstream media.

Learning outside the classroom

There will be a Personal Development notice board that students may wish to use to write articles or produce artwork about the issues covered in the lessons.

Parental support and extension

Please take the time to talk to your child about any issues that arise in the news or other popular media about Health and wellbeing, relationships between people, groups or countries and skills or rights regarding the world of work. Some useful websites include:

Format of KS4 PSHE tutor time lessons 

The aim of these sessions are to enrich students’ personal development in line with the PSHE curriculum. The tutor time sessions will typically take 15mins of teaching and learning. Tutors will lead the sessions with students , and will ensure that students engage with the topics and that they record their progress.  

The sessions have been designed to be relevant to the students at the stage of their learning, as well as compliment the delivery of PSHE through drop down days. The tutor time sessions cover topics that may also be covered on the drop down days but tend to lean away from the “heavier” PSHE topics.  


  • Typically there are 4 – 5 pre prepared lessons (this will be a powerpoint) per half term, offering some wiggle room for tutors to explore things further. 
  • Students will have a small exercise book to record their work from the short session. Title, date and a few key notes/answers to Qs are expected. 
  • The exercise book will be the record for what students have done in these sessions. 
  • The exercise book will also be used on the PSHE drop down days. 

Autumn Term 1 

Preparation for GCSE

Expectations and differences between KS3 and KS4 

Structure of GCSEs e.g. when are mocks, GCSE Exams 

Taking responsibility for learning  

Time management e.g. deadlines 

Autumn Term 2 

Respectful Relationships

Positive and Healthy Friendships e.g. trust, respect, honesty, kindness, generosity, boundaries, privacy, consent and the management of conflict, reconciliation and ending relationships 

Relationships in school and the wider community - mutual respect, tolerance –  

3 - 4 

Different types of relationships and the history behind relationships e.g. same sex relationships. Link to Equality Act 2010 

Term 1 

Online and Media Safety

Screen Time 

Fake News 

Social Media – Risks and Opportunities 

Sad Fishing and Like Farming 

Term 2 

Work Experience and equal opportunities at work

World of Work and Working Relationships 

Work – Equal Opportunities 

Protection at Work 

Work Experience 

Citizenship and the Workplace 

Summer Term 1 

Revision Skills

What is revision and How do I revise? 

Revision Timetables 

Trial of a revision strategy e.g. flash cards, mind maps etc 

Trial of a revision strategy e.g. flash cards, mind maps etc   

Summer Term 2 




Money Laundering  

Criminal Justice 

PSHE drop down days 

Year 10 


3 Hours – 2nd Nov 

2 Hours – 13th Sept 


Term 1 

Equal Opportunities 

Session 1

  • Sexism – Equality Act 2010, how stereotypes can cause damage, respect and tolerance, bullying  
  • Link to use of language e.g. sexist and derogatory words 

Session 2  

  • Racism – Equality Act 2010, how stereotypes can cause damage, respect and tolerance, bullying  
  • Link to language e.g. racist, derogatory 

Session 3  

  • Extremism/Radicalisation and Hate Crimes 
  • Law – Extremism/Radicalisation and Hate Crime 

Session 1

  • Gender and LGBT+  - Equality Act 2010, how stereotypes can cause damage, respect and tolerance, different types of bullying 
  • Link to the use of language e.g. derogatory words  
  • Law – Gender Identity 

Session 2

  • Prejudice – Equality Act 2010, how particular stereotypes can cause damage (e.g. how they might normalise non-consensual behaviour or encourage prejudice), tolerance, bullying. Include prejudice and women 







Extremism / Radicalisation / Hate Crime 


Term 2 


2 Hours – 24th Jan 

Possibly 3 Hours – 4th March 


Session 1

County Lines:

  • Law - Criminal Exploitation  
  • Law – Violence and Exploitation by Gangs  
  • Law – Violence against women and girls 

Session 2

Child Sexual Exploitation – sexual consent, exploitation, abuse, grooming, coercion, harassment, rape, domestic abuse, forced marriage, honour-based violence and FGM, and how these can affect current and future relationships:

  • Law – Criminal Exploitation
  • Law – Violence against women and girls  / Female Genital Mutilation 

Session 1

  • Online - rights, responsibilities, opportunities and risks. 
  • Law - Online behaviours including image and information sharing 
  • Law - Pornography 

Session 2

Sexual abuse, harassment, including online – sexually explicit material e.g. pornography and link to sexual behaviours.  

  • ‘Nudes’, language used, consent,  
  • Online Reporting tools – IWF/Childline, CEOP 
  • Law - Online behaviours including image and information sharing  

County Lines 

Child Sexual Exploitation -consent 

Online – consent, pornography, dark web 


Term 3 

Sexual Health 

2 Hours – 19th April 

2 Hours – 10th June 


Session 1 

  • Safe sex, contraception – positive aspects of healthy/intimate relationships, facts around reproductive health, fertility, full range of contraceptive choices, choice to delay sex or enjoy intimacy without sex
  • Law – Consent, Age of Consent
  • Law – Sexuality 

Session 2 

  • Pregnancy and miscarriage - facts around pregnancy and miscarriage, choices in relationship to pregnancy e.g. adoption, abortion, where to go for further help
  • Law - Abortion 

Session 1 

  • Risky sexual behaviour, use of contraception, link to drugs alcohol, tobacco 
  • Peer pressure, resisting pressure and not pressurising
  • How to get further advice, including confidential sexual and reproductive health advice and treatment
  • Law – Substance Misuse 

Session 2 

  • STIs – how transmitted, importance of testing and facts around this, prevalence of some STIs, impact of STIs and treatment
  • Advice and support
  • Link LGBT+ 
  • Law – Sexuality: Sexual Health 

Safe sex and contraception 

Pregnancy and miscarriage 


Risky sexual behaviour – drugs and alcohol 

Advice and support 




Autumn Term 1 

Preparation for GCSE

Expectations of Year 11 and structure e.g. when are mocks, GCSE Exams 

Taking Responsibility and Time Management 

Personal Statement and Post 16

Personal Statement and Post 16 

Personal Statement and Post 16 

Autumn Term 2 

Personal Statement and Post 16 

Personal Statement and Post 16 

Study Skills and Well Being

Revision and Revision Timetables 

Rest and Sleep e.g. good quality sleep. Link to how lack of sleep can affect weight, mood and ability to learn 

Spring Term 1 

Life Skills

Bank Accounts/credit cards 



Houses – Buying/Renting 

Spring Term 2 

Cars- leasing or buying 

Hygiene and check-ups e.g. dentist. Link in regular self-examination and screening  

Preparation for the Future / Being Safe 


Antisocial Behaviour 

Spring Term 2 



Tattoos and Piercings 

Conflict Management 

Year 11 Drop down days

Year 11 


3 Hours – 24th Sept 

2 Hours – 2nd Nov 


Term 1 

Respectful Relationships 

Session 1

Respectful relationships at work 

  • Working relationships – positive and healthy friendships, Equality Act 2010, sexual harassment
  • Link to LGBT+  - rights, stereotypes, wider community
  • Law – Gender Identity  

Session 2

Respectful relationships at home 

  • Family Dynamics – different types of relationships, marriage, legal status of relationships, roles and responsibilities of parents
  • Link to LGBT+  - families, legal status of relationships 
  • Law – Marriage
  • Law – Gender Identity 

Session 3

Respectful relationships with yourself 

  • Body positivity / filters / social media 
  • Eating habits, healthy eating, maintaining a healthy weight – link to inactive lifestyle and ill health, eating disorders, comfort eating
  • Physical and emotional wellbeing 

Session 1

  • Consent and Rape – positive relationships, strategies for identifying and managing sexual pressure, choice to enjoy/delay sex. Further advice, including how and where to access confidential sexual health advice/treatment 
  • Link to the use of drugs, alcohol and tobacco – risky sexual behaviour 
  • Law – Consent, Age of Consent 

Session 2

  • Online – rights, responsibilities, opportunities and risks. How data is generated, collected and shared online. Communicate and recognise consent from others including sexual consent
  • Law – Pornography
  • Law - Online behaviours including image and information sharing 

Working relationships 

Family dynamics 

Consent and rape 

Online – being safe 


Body Positivity 


Eating habits 

Physical and Emotional Wellbeing 



Term 2 

Preparing for the future – Positive Choices 

2 Hours – 18th Jan 

2 Hours – 4th March 


Positive choices 

Session 1

  • CPR – basic treatment for common injuries, how to administer CPR and the purpose of defibrillators and when one might be needed 
  • Linked to Taking Responsibility for themselves and others 

Session 2

  • Safety including online – rights, responsibilities and risks, sharing material, what to do and where to get support. 
  • CSE – grooming, sextortion, harmful behaviours
  • Linked to Taking responsibility for themselves and others 

Preparing for the future 

Session 1

  • College – what to expect, how college will be different to school
  • Time management - deadlines, getting to college e.g. bus/train
  • Dealing with pressure - deadlines, exams, university applications 

Session 2 

  • Temptations linked to freedom (tie into previous learning e.g. drugs, alcohol and tobacco and risky sexual behaviour – peer pressure and delaying choices)
  • Taking responsibility for their actions and where to go to for support if necessary
  • Law – Substance Misuse
  • Law – Sexuality – Sexual Orientation and Sexual Health 

College - expectations 

Time management  

Dealing with pressure 



Safety including online 


Taking responsibility  

Tie into previous learning 



Everybody is somebody