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Business Studies

Why we teach Business Studies

As students leave education and make their way through life, most will work as an employee or even as an employer, within a business of some description.  All will be consumers of products or services sold by a business.  So, an understanding for how the world around them works will be important for all students.

Within the Personal Development (PSHE) programme, students are taught elements of personal finance, but the study of GCSE Business Studies takes this further and educates students about the structures of businesses and their wider responsibilities.

KS4 Business Studies

AQA GCSE Business Studies (8132)

Overview of content

Students apply their knowledge and understanding to different business contexts ranging from small enterprises to large multinationals and businesses operating in local, national and global contexts. Students develop an understanding of how these contexts impact on business behaviour.

Programme of Study


Half term

Topics studied; skills and knowledge

How this will be assessed


Autumn - 1

Business in the Real World

Mid-term test

Autumn - 2


End of topic exam-style paper

Spring - 1

Influences on Business

Mid-term test

Spring - 2


End of topic exam-style paper

Summer - 1

Business Operations

Mid-term test

Summer - 2


End of topic exam-style paper


Autumn - 1

Human Resources/Marketing

Mid-term test

Autumn - 2

Human Resources/Marketing

End of topic exam-style paper

Spring - 1


Mid-term test

Spring - 2


End of topic exam-style paper

Summer - 1



Summer - 2

Period of Formal Examinations

As below


Homework will be set regularly and involve researching lesson topics with the emphasis on real-world and current affairs. It will increasingly involve writing skills and essay planning in preparation for the exams.

How it is assessed

There are two papers each lasting 1hr and 45mins.

Section A has multiple choice questions and short answer questions worth 20 marks.

Section B has one case study/data response stimuli with questions worth approximately 34 marks.

Section C has one case study/data response stimuli with questions worth approximately 36 marks.

Paper 1 & 2

Written exam: 1 hour 45 minutes

90 marks

Each is 50% of GCSE

Paper 1

  • Business in the real world
  • Influences on business
  • Business operations
  • Human resources

Paper 2

  • Business in the real world
  • Influences on business
  • Marketing
  • Finance

Learning outside the classroom

External visits by businesspeople and entrepreneurs in ‘informal’ Q & A sessions after school.

Visits to various business premises to experience and investigate genuine business issues and solutions.

Parental support and extension

Students can be encouraged to notice and understand relevant current affairs news concerning the business and economic environment locally, nationally and globally. Students should take an interest in the news and read a newspaper or current affairs website. Encourage an involvement in domestic financial choices such as fuel prices, the cost of living and how money is earned and spent.

More information

Access to a personal computer or laptop will enable students to participate interactively with learning material and collaborate in class activities outside the classroom.

Business studies includes financial management exercises and tasks and promotes mathematical, logical and analytical thinking. It links with Mathematics, and Computer Science as well as introducing elements of Economics.

Everybody is somebody