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Our Curriculum

We aim to ensure that our curriculum:

  • Provides an appropriate level of challenge for all our students, whatever their ability.
  • Prepares them for the rest of their life by teaching them the skills and knowledge that will help them achieve in whatever they choose to do.
  • Prepares them well for GCSE and other examinations by integrating rigorous monitoring and assessment throughout.

Teachers and Middle Leaders work with our colleagues in The Cam Academy Trust to share good practice through:

  • Discussion of teaching methodology, schemes of work, assessment tasks, etc.
  • Cross-departmental moderation and analysis of exam papers, etc. to ensure that all our staff agree on the requirements for reaching different GCSE levels.

Please use the submenu on this page to find more details about the curriculum subjects for each year group through the handbook aimed at parents and carers.

If you require any further information that is not available to you on the website, please contact our Head of School, Niki Smith, at or by ringing the school reception.


We use a tracking system called Go4Schools. Parents are given log in details to the website so they can monitor their child’s progress. The system also allows parents access to their child's timetable, homework set and any behaviour events recorded, both positive and negative.

Supporting your Child

There are three main ways to support your child through Secondary School:

Firstly, to ensure that your child attends school at every available opportunity. Reduced attendance has been demonstrated to reduce academic outcomes.

Secondly, encourage your child to read. Reading widely has an enormous positive impact on a student's progress in all areas of the curriculum. Encourage your child to read anything and everything! The following websites are useful places to go for book recommendations:

Thirdly, ensure your child completes all homework by viewing the tasks set for your child as homework weekly and helping, checking, testing as much as you can. 

Spiritual, Moral, Social and Cultural Teaching

At Melbourn Village College, we are fully aware of our duty to meet the requirements set out in Section 78 of the Education Act 2002 and promote the spiritual, moral, social and cultural (SMSC) development of our students. Through ensuring our students’ SMSC development, we can actively promote fundamental British values.

We have weekly Key Stage assemblies to establish a strong school ethos, supported by effective year group support throughout the school. We also provide extra activities beyond the classroom to ensure students’ SMSC development. PSHE is also covered in the Social Studies curriculum.

We encourage our students to treat all people with protected charateristics covered by the Equality Act 2010 with respect and tolerance.

MVC expects students to understand that, while different people may hold different views about what is ‘right’ and ‘wrong’, all people living in England are subject to its law. Our ethos and teaching supports the rule of English civil and criminal law and we do not teach anything that undermines it. Within our teaching of Religious Education, particular care is taken to explore the relationship and differences between state and religious law.

Year 6-7 Transition 

We work hard to ensure that our new students transfer successfully to us from their primary school. Transition activities include:

  • A wide variety of subject specific events for primary students across the whole academic year, culminating in an evening to celebrate the students’ achievements. 
  • Primary School visits by Mrs Coghlan, our Primary Coordinator. 
  • Transition meetings with our SENDCo, Mr S Pollock, and our Student Support Team for students with SEND.


Everybody is somebody