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Communication systems and apps

At Melbourn Village College we work with a number of applications to make our students' learning easier, more interactive and effective. As well as this, our applications make it easier for you as a parent or carer to see how your child is getting on at school.

Find out more about each application below:


GO 4 Schools is a powerful, joined-up, online system that supports whole-school improvement by making it easy to capture, analyse and share classroom data in real time, allowing our staff, students and parents to make better decisions – daily. The GO 4 Schools (GO4S) Homework module is used to set and monitor student homework and can be viewed by parents via their own login.


ParentPay is an online payment system for schools. It allows parents to pay quickly and securely for school meals, trips and activities, uniforms, music lessons and fees.

You simply top-up your ParentPay account online by debit or credit card or in cash through PayPoint stores. Payment by standing order and faster payments will be available soon. Your ParentPay balance can be used immediately to pay for any of your children’s items at our school


School Post

SchoolPost is a powerful parent communication system which brings together email, text messaging, secure web-based access to documents, and online reply and consent forms into a comprehensive, customisable package.

My Child At School (MCAS)

Access to ‘My Child At School’ (MCAS) can tell parents/carers about their child’s attendance and behaviour at school.  MCAS is available as a website on a laptop, PC or tablet, and as an app for phones and tablets, available from all app stores.  On joining MVC, parents/carers receive an email inviting them to link with their child’s account or they can link into the app or website using the school’s ID number or postcode (14767, SG8 6EF) and the email address they have given the school. If you have any difficulties linking in MCAS, please email to ask for assistance. 

Parent View

Parent View gives our parents the chance to tell Ofsted what they think about our school, from the quality of teaching to dealing with bullying and poor behaviour. The survey can be completed at any time; you don’t have to wait until the school is being inspected.

Ofsted will use the information provided when making decisions about which schools to inspect and when. 



Everybody is somebody