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MVC Ofsted Report

6th November 2023

New leadership team at Melbourn Village College has set out its plan to return school to a ‘Good’ school within the next school year following disappointing Ofsted report last summer.

After identifying that changes were needed to improve behaviour and standards, the Trust appointed new leaders during the last school year to ensure there was a renewed sense of energy, enthusiasm, and commitment to ensure that the school continually pushed for excellence in all areas.

Christopher Bennet, Executive Headteacher of Melbourn Village College, said: “When I was appointed during the last year, we and the Trust conducted an immediate and thorough review of all areas of the school and identified a number areas that needed to be improved and addressed.

“Among this, we identified that following the disruption of COVID-19, standards of behaviour needed to improve to return the school back to its previously good standards and high expectations.

“Since then, we have a clear focus on routines, expectations and standards has been put in place and we feel that these changes had started to bring about the improvements needed, although more work still needed to be done.”

Ofsted inspectors recognised the impact, assessments and decisions new leaders have made:

“School leaders, including within the trust, have an accurate understanding of what needs to be improved. A thorough review of important policies and procedures has been undertaken. Some new subject leaders have been appointed. This has brought about improvements in curriculum provision. Frank conversations have been held with staff around expectations and responsibilities.”

 The report published today judges three of the inspected areas – The Quality of Education, Personal Development, and Leadership and Management – as ‘Requires Improvement’. However, Behaviour and Attitudes was graded as ‘Inadequate’, limiting the overall report to this judgement.

Mr Bennet continued: “While we had already identified that standards of behaviour need to improve further and become more consistent, we do not agree with, and are disappointed by the comments made in the report and the manner in which the inspection took place, which seemed to focus on this one area. 

“For example, new systems, routines, and processes had been introduced and started to bring about improvements, and the most recent GCSE results were exceptional, demonstrating the high standards and achievements students make at the school.

“We do not underestimate the need for improvements to take place, and significant further changes have already taken place since the school returned in September. We have a clearer emphasis on using tutor time to focus on improving behaviour and establishing high expectations. Significant training and monitoring have also been instilled to drive consistently high standards in behaviour, routines, and uniform – making sure all staff and students are following our policies and expectations clearly.

“The report will not take these improvements or the most recent exam results into account. But, based on our own assessments, we are confident that improvements are being made quickly and that the school will return to being a ‘Good’ school by 2024.”

The school, which is part of and supported by The Cam Academy Trust, which includes Comberton Village College and Cambourne Village College, has also appointed a scrutiny panel comprising of external education leaders from across Cambridgeshire to push and drive the improvement plan.

Stephen Munday, Chief Executive of The Cam Academy Trust, added: “We are clearly disappointed with the comments in the Ofsted report, and that is why we took the decision to put in place new leadership last year.

“The impact of the improvement plan is now really showing, and while the Ofsted report has only just been published, we know that behaviour has already significantly improved, classrooms feel calmer and more orderly, and that it is providing a good learning environment for students. We are confident the school will return to being a Good school within the next year if these improvements continue.”

The Ofsted report can be found on the school’s website and Ofsted’s website from today.


Notes to editors

Media Contact: Ryan Hyman, Athene Communications: / 01733 207338

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