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Primary and Community Partners

Partner Primary Schools

Our catchment area includes eight local partner primaries:

Students attending any of these schools or living in their catchment areas will be provided with free transport to Melbourn Village College by the Local Authority if they live more than three miles from the school. Full details can be found on the Cambridgeshire County Council website.

Allyance: Counselling Service

Melbourn Village College is partnered with Allyance. The aim of the Allyance project is to provide in-school counselling and therapeutic help to children who are struggling due to circumstances outside their control primarily at primary school however, they can continue to support students as they transition to secondary school at MVC. A fully trained counsellor is able to listen and support children as they express their thoughts and feelings in a safe and non-judgmental environment.

Through listening and providing creative play, the children are offered strategies that help them to overcome their worries and cope with difficult situations.

Everybody is somebody