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School Transport

Cambridgeshire County Council Buses

Students in Years 7-11 living in Melbourn's catchment villages will be eligible for free bus transport provided by Cambridgeshire County Council if they are more than three miles from the school.

Bus passes will be allocated by the County Council according to where you live and students should only alight the bus at the allocated bus-stop.  Students must have their bus-pass with them on each journey, or they may not be allowed to travel on the bus.  Students may not travel on a bus other than their designated bus.

Any queries about your child's pass or if it doesn't automatically arrive during the summer holidays should be directed to the council at or by telephoning 0345 045 5208. Lost passes must be replaced at a cost of £8.50 and this can be done online by clicking here.

A temporary pass can be obtained from the school Reception, which can be used for a fortnight while the new one is being processed.

Royston Bus

Students travelling from Royston are able to take advantage of subsidised transport to the school.  A pre-payment system is in place with a flat-fee, regardless of how may days per week each child travels on the bus.  The cost is £150 per term.  Please note, this equates to roughly 3 days per week of usage at the current rate and is heavily subsidised by the school.

If you have any queries regarding payment or the service, please do not hesitate to contact the school by email at 

The timetables and routes for County Council buses and the Royston bus are attached to this page. 

Travel to and from school and bus code of conduct


All students are expected to behave in a responsible and courteous manner when travelling on the school buses.


All students have the right to travel to and from school in safety. Any behaviour which distracts the driver is dangerous and will not be tolerated.


All buses have rules. Students travelling on the bus should respect the rules. Please travel on the bus allocated to you and carry your bus pass at all times. Temporary passes must be obtained from Reception at lunchtime if you have lost yours.

The school Code of Conduct applies off the premises during school visits and when travelling to and from school. Students who do not heed our Code of Conduct will be dealt with in accordance with our published behaviour policy.

This is outlined on the following page: Policies - Melbourn Village College (

A permanent ban from the buses could apply.

Please remember:

  1. Wait sensibly at the bus stop
  2. If a bus is late in the morning, wait. If the bus is late at the end of a day, wait in an orderly queue at the front of the school.
  3. The school code of conduct applies on the buses.
  4. Smoking sanctions apply on the buses, in the same way as they do in school.
  5. Stay seated whilst travelling, and wear the seat belt.
  6. No eating, drinking or littering.
  7. Treat each other with respect.

Code of Conduct for bus journeys

  • We are still at school on the bus, so act in the same way
  • Have your bus pass ready to show the driver
  • Respect the seats and wear seatbelts where provided
  • Be patient with the drivers – they do not decide the route
  • Stay in your seat and do not distract the driver
  • Think about others (especially when listening to music – not everyone will want to listen)
  • Never throw anything
  • Obey the instructions of the bus driver and the bus leaders.

Everybody is somebody